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Bikenode grow sessions - 3 web sessions to gather your thoughts

After the initial launch, now is the time to gather our volunteer minds and brainstorm on the next steps. 3 websessions will be organised to deal with following question

1/How to create impact on slow tourism in Brussels with the bikenode network

2/How to organise the bikenode initiative to be able to sustain the initiative in governance and business model?

3/Signage of the bikenode network worldcafé idea gathering

Each session will last 1H15H with a speaker , and a facilitated discussion. These discussions can be in NL/FR/UK language

1/How to create impact on slow tourism in Brussels with the bikenode network

Speaker: Corentin Marechal, Vhello and Hainaut Tourism bike network (usage numbers, slow tourism)

Host: Tanguy (NL) and Bénédicte (FR), slow tourism expert

Followed by disussion on what a bikenode network can bring to revitalise the tourism actors (B&B, cafés, restaurants, cultural hotspots,...)


A bikenode network is a part of an open slow tourism platform, a number of nodes that every time a new node is added creates more value for the other nodes; it restructures the recreational bike flow as well, making bikers discover new routes with no hesitation, and sure that they will be back at the initial starting point of their bike loop in due time.

It is the perfect combination of discovery and sets the right expectation.

It therefore creates a stable undelrying 'road' infrastucture, and enables the specific touristic infrastructure to organise itself around this biker traffic : cafés and bars with specific bike infrastructure indicate their location according to the bikenode, bnbs offer biking tips around their bnb etc.

Save the dates (registration needed on zoom link)

- bikenode governance and business model MO 30/11 20H15-21H30

- bikenode signage worldcafe WED 9/12 17H30-18H30

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