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During this first session we got to know the different members and their interests.
Definitiely everone has biking in Brussels in its core and heart; what a team! Seems there is a cluster of bike fans in St. Gilles - interesting :)
Than we discussed the design characteristics of the BXLdotnode network; this will be finalised on Friday. the BXLdotnode bike routes will have the typical dotnode characteristics of a touristic recreational network. This means that focus is on nice and safe view roads, passage via POIs etc instead of the fastest route from A-B. Some discussion elements that came up:
for who is this network? for the current profile of touristic/recreational? for enhancing slow tourism in Brussels by and for the citizens?
how to work with public parks where you are not allowed to bike through and should walk?
need to be recognisable as a dotnode network for users that know the bike signage in other provinces
closely use the existing Brussel regional bike initiatives on policy level, so as not to overdo work eg: use the list of black bike points, bike infrastructure and future bike roads,...
This work to be finalised on Friday 17/7.
Than Routeyou partner went through the actual platform and showed how to create the different routes.

First participants joined the different teams:
Team 1 North-South trail
Team 2 East-West trail
Team 3 Outer circle - promenade verte
Team 4 Mid circle Grande ceinture,
Team 5 Missing links
Good vibe, still time to join this group or the group that will check the nodes in August.
Next meeting at the end of this week 17/7 .