This has been an exciting week!
Further to the excited bikers present during the first zoom, further enthousiasts registered.
From the registrants it appears that a group wants to make the cycle network and an even larger group wants to try out first the cycle network in August and provide feedback.
Creating an East-West junction through Brussels creates the most excitement.
People are most knowledgeable about St Gilles, Ixelles, and Etterbeek regarding control of the cycle network.
On 15/7 there wil be the first session.
Ahead of that routeyou created the technical geo environment. TOKVIL created an intranet through SLACK channels. And the first grop of participants have been invited to the ZOOM meeting tomorrow.
number of stats:
Twitter @bxldotnode: 14 followers
Facebook: 5 page likes and 2 shares
website: 256 visits, up more than 400% (yeah stats)
And worked on some policy document to be discussed like what criteria to take into account. Nice volunteer work.