Announcing an exceptional keynote speaker, David Stulík for the next TOKVIL online meetup on public policy innovation.
Register on meetup to get the online details
- How are you doing? How do you move public service and policy to the 'new' normal
- Keynote "the Czech approach" , by David Stulík, Senior Analyst of the European Values Center for Security Policy, Prague (*)
- UN SDG frame SDG 3 and SDG 4 co-creative session about best and worst examples we have seen/heard about a public service response to COVID 19
Fast forward discussion on fast-track digital transformation, best practices in providing inclusive service for all, making democratic decisions online etc, co-creating with civil organisations,...
Technical: We are use the video system in open source JITSI; try it beforehand, it is working on smartphone and on Google chrome (with plugin)
* David Stulík, Senior Analyst of the European Values Center for Security Policy, worked for the last 12 years as the Press and Information Officer at the EU Delegation in Kyiv, Ukraine. Prior to this position, he was shortly employed in the Czech Deputy Prime Minister Office, where he dealt with the preparations for the Czech EU Presidency. Before joining the public sector, David acted as the Head of Unit for Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova and the Coordinator of democracy projects in Eastern Europe in one of the largest Central European NGOs, People in Need.