Second edition of Brussels’ Public Innovation Week (December 07-14, 2022)
Facilitation - case study Brussels bike node network
Public Innovation Week - recap TOKVIL Session (Post) covid lessons for the creative public servants
26/11 11H - (Post) covid lessons for the creative public servants.(Public innovation week)
Brussels Public Innovation Week
Government insights and fails- one year of covid
Outcome Meetup 21/5 lunch talk digital talent and skills in the public sector
OECD #govaftershock lessons from CPI
Public Sector innovation (BELSPO conference) -tweets
1/4 online lunch #tokvil #govtech meetup - The role of design thinking in public innovation labs
Meetup on Govtech to be rescheduled
Opinion - mayor critic as first crack into societal upheaval
Outcome of Zombie admin lunch meetup
25/2 Online Lunch discussion - #zombie administrations - one year of #COVID19 lockdown
L'effet 'pendule de Newton' du Corona
TOKVIL session 10 - outcome
NY receptie details
NY reception details 19/1
Bi-weekly newsletter