In this TOKVIL session we looked at the UN SDG frame and co-worked on SDG 11 public impact postive and negative
INFRABEL repairing faster the train infrastructure as there is less traffic; same for road works that have accelerated due to less traffic
Domestic violence urgency response (hotel seized by regional government to host women and children)
Bicycle infrastructure (eg Brussels, Berlin); ad-hoc bike lanes (ecuador)
Public space more reserved for ‘humans’ ; some cities are redesigning public spaces to enjoy the city in a safe and healthy way (Milan, LatAm city centers) : acceleration of policies
Cities are taking initiatives not linked to the national governments (more active than their government and moving ahead) -> city level not recognised as a partner although impact of national decisions have an impact on the local level; more and more organising themselves on how the society should look like (C40 cities network) and interpret measures ourselves (USA > sanctuary cities city level increasing)
Young people helping and go shopping and elderly sewing masks (solidarity initiatives)
Telework (flexibility innovation / focus on services?
Better air pollution temporary
Decision making city council digital meetings : increased people involvement and discussion on social media on those points (less public discussion, and more discussion on local issues by citizens) ; could lead to a more democratic process leading;
On a negative side
People afraid of crowded public transport (train capacity, peak time phases and working hours public servants)
Back to private car usage to avoid infections (messages ‘avoid taking the train’ should be reserved for people who have to go to Brussels)
Cities are affected on a cost basis (transport, public pools)
masks (stretching solidarity, competing initiatives)
Net Brussels (waste chaos)
Closing and opening of recycling centers (no common policy)
Decision making city council digital meetings : not public
Beer Garten vs Kindergarten vs work vs opening shops vs meeting people: is there a hierarchy in motivation reopening?