The title of this meetup is Public policy lab and their role in shaping the post COVID-19 'new normal' participate at 30/4 TOKVIL lunch meetup. #govtech #civictech register on the meetup link.
These are really exciting moments, where the decisions that we take now will shape the next 100 years in public governance. Be there, be sharp , be present.

Program at this moment:
- 12.00 How are you doing? How do you move public service and policy to the 'new' normal (update by participants)
- 12.25 Keynote 1: Adrian Brown , Executive Director at Centre for Public Impact; (*) and his views on the current situation and impact prospect
- 12.55 Keynote 2: you send mail to - how have you been coping
- 13.15 Wrapping up and closing participants
- UN SDG frame SDG 3 and SDG 4 co-creative session about best and worst examples we have seen/heard about a public service response to COVID 19
Fast forward discussion on fast-track digital transformation, best practices in providing inclusive service for all, making democratic decisions online etc, co-creating with civil organisations,...
Technical: We are use the video system in open source JITSI; try it beforehand, it is working on smartphone and on Google chrome (with plugin)
Target: anyone interested in positive changes in public administration and government; although Brussels based, the aim is to bring together the positive souls.
Besides that we will use following interactive board to present ourselves and see the agenda.
* The Centre for Public Impact is a new global forum for governments and their partners to help turn ideas into impact; profile:
I am looking for a parliamentarian who can provide a feedback on its ZOOM usage. Any feedback welcome at info@tokvil.Be